Terms & Conditions

To begin with, please carefully read the basic terms of cooperation with BluminEX.com . By registering and participating in the company's activities, you automatically confirm your age and agree to all the following information:

Important information:

  • Bluminex.com platform is managed by Blumint Digital LTD, Registration Number 15709531 (check registration), 5 Flowitt Street, Doncaster, England, DN4 0FL, United Kingdom.
  • This document has been prepared in accordance with UK law and generally accepted cryptoassets management practices.
  • By registering on the bluminex.com website you agree and fully accept the following Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy.
  • Each deposit created by you is a private transaction between the User and BluminEX. Any information exchanged between the company and an investor should not be transmitted to third parties.
  • Blumint Digital LTD reserves the right to terminate the agreement with the investor due to violation of terms, consisting in acting to the detriment of Blumint Digital LTD. Acting to the detriment of the company is understood as all kinds of abuse, attempts to deceive, or slander Blumint Digital LTD by spreading negative information misleading current and future users.
  • The Company does everything it can to protect confidential information, but it bears no responsibility for the data leak caused by a user. The investor confirms that messages, materials, and other information received from the company are also protected from disclosure on his part.
  • It is worth mentioning that the text contained in this document should not be considered as an invitation for investment in any jurisdiction considering non-public offers or invitations illegal; and by individuals for whom all of the above will be illegal.
  • You consent that you are fully aware of the responsibilities and are familiar with the present conditions.

    Investor's rights.

  • You consent to follow the following rules:
  • - To indicate only actual and correct personal data.
  • - To be over 18 years (adult) at the time of registration.
  • - To respect and be tolerant of other investors of the company.
  • - Not to use this Website to launder money.
  • - Not to use illegally earned money.
  • - To respect the commercial secret and the right not to disclose information about any private transaction.
  • - Not to use SPAM and other malicious applications that violate the integrity and functioning of the website.

  • Any attempts to harm the reputation using the creation of negative publications and videos on social media are not welcomed by the company. BluminEX, for its part, is always ready to provide support to its investors – that is why, if any issues occur, the request is to contact the support team.

  • The company is entitled to:

  • - Add and update the actual content to the Website.
  • - Edit and delete the content of the Website.
  • - Provide an investor with advisory and informational services.
  • - Suspend or temporarily cease the transmission of any information through the Website without prior notification due to the following reasons:
  • - 1. Power line cuts.
  • - 2. Damage to equipment/communication systems.
  • - 3. Force Majeure circumstances.
  • - 4. Breakdowns of technological nature.

  • The company also reserves the right to:

  • - Suspend the service provision, up to account blocking, in case of violation of these Rules by the Investor.
  • - Make amendments to the already existing Rules without prior approval.
  • - Edit and change the content of the Website without prior approval.
  • - Correct and complement the already existing investment offers.
  • - Add new EPS.
  • - Change towards an increase in partner’s remuneration, without prior approval.
  • - Send materials to all registered users of the company.
  • - Use the indicated personal data of an Investor to improve and optimize the process of investment interaction.
  • - Refuse cooperation with any participant without explanation.
  • - Provide all possible support and help to the investors within the Rules indicated on the website.

  • The company bears no responsibility for issues and inconveniences caused by the temporary suspension of the work of the Website, which occurred as a result of the above reasons. It is also not responsible for losses caused and damages connected with the temporary suspension of service delivery resulting from the action of the above reasons.
  • If you have questions or complaints about this Agreement, please contact us by e-Mail: [email protected]. Contact us by mail: Blumint Digital LTD 5 Flowitt Street, Doncaster, England, DN4 0FL, United Kingdom.